Let’s go PINK for the month of October!! 20% of the proceeds from our new Breast Cancer Awareness collection will be donated to rethinkbreastcancer.com!

"Breast cancer doesn’t care that you’re 'too young' to get cancer." - Rethink Breast Cancer
October is breast cancer awareness month and we have decided to go pink to help bring awareness. We have seen so much love during our past few campaigns and we are so excited for your continued support on this important topic!!
Follow along on our social media pages (@onyx.and.ivy on Instagram and Facebook) as we help shed some light and raise awareness for the month of October. If you have been affected in any way by breast cancer we would love to share your story and spread some love throughout our community. Send us an email at hello@onyxandivyshop.com to share your story with us.
P.S. Don't forget to tag us @onyx.and.ivy and use #onyxandivy rocking your pink scrunchies and headbands to show your support!!
The Onyx+Ivy Team