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You are Heard


One of our biggest and on-going goals at Onyx+Ivy is to create a brand and company that truly celebrates women and all the amazing things that make us women. We aspire to continuously celebrate, inspire, and empower women to grow and take pride in who they are. One of our missions is to help give strength to the feminine spirit and the stories that make us who we are. These reasons are why we started our blog in April of last year.

As a group we have a passion for affirmations and together we created the LONGEST list of words that really speak to times of growth, change, success and even the failures we have all experienced. Combined with the powerhouse starter of “You are” we knew we were creating some amazing affirmations that would not only empower us, but hopefully resonate with you, our amazing followers!

You are heard was the first affirmation we chose to highlight this year and there couldn’t have been a better first choice. Those three words say everything we want to say to you, that we are listening, we are learning from what you say, and that we are growing from you sharing your story with us. We started our blog last April to help give us a platform to share not only our product, but also our experiences. Our blog has since grown into an amazing community of women sharing stories that so many can relate to and learn from. You are heard resonates with us as we all have a unique voice. A voice that is built on different life experiences that need to be shared. You are heard empowers us to speak up and use our voice as women. You are heard reminds us that even if we think no one is listening, someone is. You are heard teaches a younger generation of women that their thoughts, feelings and voices matter; as well as re-affirms it for older generations.

You are heard allows those who are frightened to speak up to unite with someone who has had a similar experience and used their voice. You are heard unites us in story. You are heard unites us in heart.

After being inspired by stories of breast cancer warriors and their monthly reminders to #feelitonthefirst we wanted to create something just as powerful. We created #believeitonthethird to make us stop and think about all the amazing things we can do in a month. As we take this journey of positive thought together, give yourself time to think about what our affirmations mean to you and how they make you feel. We encourage our community to share with us, we love to hear your voice.


The Onyx+Ivy Team

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